Sunday, November 21, 2010

A sweet love Letter

To Sandra,

I was five. I spoke a different language and was very shy.

The first time I saw you, I was struck by lightening. I was speechless. You had red hair and were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

My fantasy was to rescue you from harm, as Superman.

One day, you chose me in a game of Farmer in the Dell. I was overwhelmed when you chose me, and still speechless.

The fantasy lasted five years. Then one day, our family moved away.

What seemed a lifetime later, when I was fifteen and dating my soon-to-be wife, I took what was a rare trip on a Chicago CTA bus. It happened to take me passed the street where you lived.

You got on that bus. You were more beautiful than I could have imagined. You sat on a seat that was right behind the back exit of the bus. You were right in front of me. I looked at your profile as you looked straight ahead. Did you recognize me as I did you?

The bus was almost empty and we rode along Pulaski Avenue in silence. All was silent. I said nothing. I was thunder struck and speechless again. You got off the bus.

I am in my late sixties, with grown grandchildren, and think of you.

Paul, age 65 :)